Finding inspiration to prepare for your Whole30 should be easy. Just google #whole30 and you the search will return an abundance of results. Most of…
Have you heard about Functional Medicine yet? Do you know why most of the web searches about chronic disease (autoimmune disease, rheumatic spectrum disorders, irritable…
We are enrolling participants in our study on carb addiction. Attention fellow Whole30 and LCHF fans, Paleo, Banting and Keto-Warriors of the Cape, you can…
Liebe Freunde des guten Geschmacks und eines Sinnvollen Lebenstils, Ich möchte nicht versäumen, euch auf die Erste und wohl auch Größte Paleo und Ancestral Health…
I was looking forward to this talk for quite a while now. It has been postponed twice during the last year until it was finally…
… and taste buds in love. Jean-Pierre is probably the guy I adore most for his wonderful craft of being a chocolatier. You can see…
Unsere Zeit, das ist die Zeit in der man ordentliche Recherche für einen Artikel über Paleo betreiben möchte und in der Ärztezeitung online nach der…
Reading the newspaper and following tweets, I found last weeks news extremely exciting and have come to believe that I was meant to write this…
To all the survivors of the festive season. Completely knackered or in the need of a proper detox? No need to book in into a…
Character tree. Love you mum! As opposed to a lot of you who have had the main festivities of the year already, Happy Hanukkah! I…