As a child I always wanted to become a private investigator. Luckily I realised early that hiding unsuspiciously was not wasn’t gonna work for me as I was already by far the tallest in our class. So I chose to become a healthcare professional instead – a pharmacist who needs incredible attention to detail in handling potent drugs and poisons (i.e. cytostatica for cancer patients). I reality this often means doctors and pharmacists are trained by the industry to deliver “best practice sick-care” according to the standards stipulated by “key opinion leaders”. I believe there’s no doubt about the fact that doctors and allied professionals should focus on health and wellness more than “disease management”. Also I don’t feel like a manager nor do I believe I’m good at it.
Enter The LivingMatrix – A Functional Medicine Solution for Health Detectives
I consider myself lucky to still have become an investigator – a health detective. Patients trust me with their health inspection. The first duty for a proper detective when arriving at a health crime scene is to dress the wounded and start gathering evidence. Conventionally trained doctor-officers will often not allow anybody at the crime scene. But something goes awry when even the patient-victim is excluded from the scene. In Functional Medicine we keep our eyes wide open and gather every bit of information in a single file. The LivingMatrix serves as my case record and you as my most important side-kick! In fact my aim will be to help you into the driver’s seat on your journey to health.
Functional Medicine is known as the “Medicine of Why”- investigative healthcare to uncover the root causes of your health issues
Free LivingMatrix Health Record and Case Report

Goal no. 1 is to make sure you, my patient, are an active participant – not recipient – in your healthcare. As your chief investigator I want to get the whole picture. I do not just want to know about your current health crisis – I want to know how you got here. If I am going to work with you to put out the fires and ease your inflammation, we must work together to find the cause. Your LivingMatrix report is Invaluable for helping Functional Practitioners like me to dig up the root cause. Based on your LivingMatrix report, I can identify the systems in your body that are out of order. That’s why the LivingMatrix is such a helpful tool.
Sample report LivingMatrix
What is the LivingMatrix, and why is it important to you and your health?
By enrolling in and completing your LivingMatrix profile, you’re giving me a 360-degree picture of your health situation. With a full history, I can identify the root causes of your core imbalances and inflammation. Then we’ll create a plan to relieve your symptoms and prevent future inflammation and imbalance. Watch this video of how easy it is to complete the LivingMatrix:
New Patient Tutorial from LivingMatrix on Vimeo.
Some additional benefits of creating a complete LivingMatrix profile:
- You will always have free access to your own safely stored health record
- Your LivingMatrix report gives any doctor or specialist the exact information needed to understand the current state of your health, history, and trends.
- There’s no need for the doctor to ask you repetitive questions about your health history on every visit.
- Participating in LivingMatrix will save you tons of time in the intake process. Because your ‘on-boarding’ appointments are virtual, participating in LivingMatrix eliminates the need to print out, handwrite, and scan in your intake forms. This allows you to spend your valuable appointment time talking with me about your concerns.
- A easy to digest, 360-degree picture of your health and goals. We can clearly identify when and where you might have gotten off track. Because I use a one on one coaching style, we can create an immediate action plan to course-correct before problems get out of control.
- Download an updated .pdf of your record at any time
- If you experience an emergency while traveling, you can easily access your records online. This is especially helpful if you’ve been afraid to travel because of complex medical conditions.
Start Your LivingMatrix Evaluation Now
Most health problems are caused by one of the seven core imbalances. Your LivingMatrix profile helps us identify these imbalances. In many cases, we can immediately implement strategies to get you on the path to health and wellness.
7 Core Clinical Imbalances of Functional Medicine
- Assimilation: digestion, absorption, microbiota/GI, respiration
- Defense and repair: immune, inflammation, infection/microbiota
- Energy: energy regulation, mitochondrial function
- Biotransformation and elimination: toxicity, detoxification
- Transport: cardiovascular and lymphatic systems
- Communication: endocrine, neurotransmitters, immune messengers
- Structural integrity: subcellular membranes to musculoskeletal integrity
Frequently Asked Questions
Is LivingMatrix included in my package?
The LivingMatrix is automatically included in the eat this. Lifestyle Package.
What’s involved in getting started with Living Matrix?
Once you receive your LivingMatrix login credentials, you can immediately begin to create your LivingMatrix. Since the data is automatically saved online, you do not have to complete it all at once AND you can go back and fill in information that you may have forgotten.
How do I get a copy of my Living Matrix report?
You will have your own account on Living Matrix. There is the ability to download your report at any time and print it out.
Is Living Matrix a one-and-done service or is it used in some way going forward in my care?
Once you have a profile in LivingMatrix which include many different types of assessments. Those assessments can be completed again in follow up visits and this is a wonderful way to be able to track your improvements so you are able to see clearly the improvements in your health. Also, LivingMatrix is used continuously to write a Functional Prescription with very specific nutritional plans, supplement protocols, testing recommendations, fitness and other lifestyle modification explanations, hand outs, etc which will remain in your account to use at any time. This eliminates confusion that a lot of people have after they leave their appointments and allows smoother implementation of your health recommendations. Let’s Get Started with LivingMatrix
Yes! Let’s Get Started with LivingMatrix
The contact information you provide upon registration is private and is not sold to a third party company. Your patient health information is secure and confidential under the current regulations.