Real testimonials from real people with real names and real email addresses. Tell us your Think Food story and comment on this post.
This humble response I received right in time for the festive season, when I usually say “Enjoy the crazy days and come back next year.”. Because this is the time when one faces the most temptations and peer pressure at all the various social gatherings around Christmas trees and food. Please read how a little bit of determination will get you through this time of the year even if you have to attend ALL of these because of your job:
*Mein lieber essen Denker
Greetings and Blessed be God!
Hello from the fire escape from the carbo addiction nightmare zone! Gosh, this old fatty is getting it right at last!
I am just loving the Paeleo eating! Fantastic and fabulous and I can already see and feel the difference – I am not at all bothered about the weight loss in kilograms and I am not at all scale bound, but I think my scale is showing me a loss of four kg!! Is that normal or what? I am loving the wide selection available, but wouldn’t you just know it, I am staying mostly with the Metabolic Balance portion sheets and measures, although I am not too fussed about things, as long as it is within the right proportion of eating wisely in the Paleo way. I am getting some good sugar readings, mostly in the sevens and one six and one 5.4. So it is looking good all round.
You won’t believe it but I have survived through five social functions this week!!! And not a grain nor a carbo molecule has passed my lips. So on Sunday, I had to be at the lunch of one of our *** groups and that was quite okay, because it was chicken and salads. I skipped the lekker bean salad and despite the fact that the garlic bread was being very lecherous and the chocolate oat crunchies were being entirely seductive, they did not even bother me. So on Monday it was off to the Spur for the ****’s League end of year function – this was a breakfast. So I was able to stay with scrambled eggs and two rashers of bacon, and basically told the toast to go.
Then on Wednesday night, a family took em out for celebration of my ****. So I was able to stay with this most yummy chicken Caesar’s salad, without the croutons. When desert time came, I said, ”actually I will have desert.” The family was rather shocked but then I said ”I see here that you serve portions of cooked vegetables and I’ll have one of those portions! Well, the kids nearly died laughing but sure enough, there came a portion of spinach and butternut and it was fabulous!! (Just that there was a tiny piece of potato cube in the spinach which I did not see and so I took the others out! That was even more amusing to the kids! So they all had their Chocolate Arsenic and ‘Rattex with Ice Cream‘ (or whatever) and I did the veggies!
On the weekend I dared to share with my community about where i am on the page, carbo addicted, 50 kilograms or suicide by sugar etc and I was absolutely amazed at the terrific response I received. The empathy and the sense of consolation and support was quite humbling for me. At the a.m. Mass on Sunady my people applauded after my homily and that was a complete surprise. I do not normally do that sort of thing because Our Lord Jesus Christ is the message and I am only the messenger. It is about Him and I never really want to detract from that nor put the spotlight on myself. Some of my people were moved to tears and I was truly shocked when they burst out into applause! For the ****, that was also quite adventurous because being mostly elderly people, we are a very formal and traditional lot really!
Christo I feel absolutely terrific about this and I feel such a peace before the carbs. I really haven’t missed them. They really do not have any power over me and although things like the garlic bread was yelling at me, I just said ”No!“ This is the point that I have fought for so long to arrive at and this is the point where life changing decisions become effective. So I am in a very good space indeed and very happy and I can see already that I am not going to want to move too out of the Paleo zone when this thirty day challenge is completed!
Okay- back to the Paleo!
Love and prayers
Fr ****
*(Ps- blame Google if my translation is not correct!)
I do not usually share these kind of testimonials because as you can see, this is a very personal thing. In this case I wanted to, because I think it can be of great support for many other ‘carb addicts’. Although it’s still early days and I rather share the success story at the end… for this ‘old fatty’ I think any encouraging response like he received from his congregation can only help! So please do comment!
In order to protect Fr *******’s privacy and not share his details with the whole interweb (which he does not feel comfortable with) I post this anonymously. I do however know that he will gladly respond to your emails and I am happy to pass yours on to him!
Father ***** is somebody who I’ve been working with for more or less a year now and we’d meet regularly. The latest developments make me believe we entered the next level! He fully embrassed the “Paleo way” as a way intended by God: back to the roots 😉
Again, have a wonderful Christmas time with your loved ones and maybe give ThinkFood30 a shot to start 2013 with a clean sheet…
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!